The Writer’s Block


The mind is numb, the blank page or in my case the blank laptop screen stares back at you. Poorly formed vague ideas are crashing through an overworked brain. Or is it that the body is just too lazy to process thoughts?


Often people imagine that the thinking process is a sedentary one. But that may not be true for everyone. Thoughts can come at any time, there will be ideas clashing in your head each seeking prominence.


Many a time a sedentary silence does allow one the luxury of choosing an idea and building on it.


But its also true that  an activity can spark an idea, I have found walking alone in peaceful surroundings helpful.


I also know people who can write just about anywhere even while commuting.


The ultimate is one friend who claims he gets his most profound insights while sitting on the toilet seat, but then I guess, that’s one time he is alone and peaceful lol.


The lock down during the current COVID-19  pandemic has meant less of physical human interaction, almost no travel and an apprehension every time you step out. This may have not been conducive for creativity for some people.


For me the lockdown and personal issues caused distress but also sparked a rush of poetry, mostly dark and not my regular style at all.


Worries mundane and practical do intervene and cause a block and it becomes difficult to focus. How does one cope with this?


Many expect the writing process to be one where you just put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard, lol.


But there is a much longer process where you think, look back at your experiences , distill your thoughts and then put them in words.


When the writers block hits you, you dont feel it initially, and then it hits you, you worry and that makes it worse.


You try harder, creativity is lost in a maze of blankness and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel.


Worrying about it never helps, talking with someone who understands may be a solution but fear holds you back from sharing.


I have been struggling since I retired last month, not able to really come up with anything. My book is stalled in between, my poetry has dried up and the only writing I seem to do is on ‘what’s up.”


I am sure that this is a temporary phase and will sort itself out in the normal course. One way I thought to overcome the block is by writing this blog and well it seems to have worked out!


So all of you struggling with a block, let go of your fears, worries, enjoy life and sure enough the spark will come and the fire lit.




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