Thor, Loki, and the Giants. A tale from Norse Mythology.


We may all have been enthralled by the Marvel superhero, Thor the God of Thunder. We may have also enjoyed the chaos created by his brother Loki the God of mischief.


These characters are based on Norse mythology and the stories there are even more action-packed.


Thrym was the mighty king of the giants and ruled over Jotunheim, the land of the giants. For all their strength and valor the giants feared Thor and his mighty hammer Mjolnir. That was all that stood in the way of the Giants in their quest to conquer Asgard, the land of gods.


So the giants planned to steal Thor’s powerful hammer, Mjolnir. One day when the Gods celebrated late into the night and there was a lot of feasting and drinking. Thor as was his nature indulged himself. He stumbled into his bedroom and fell into a deep sleep.


The giants seized the opportunity to steal Mjolnir and hide it deep within the earth in their kingdom.


Thor got up in the morning and was devastated to find his hammer missing. It was a part of himself, it was his soul, and through his foolishness and greed he had lost it.


Without his hammer, Thor felt vulnerable, and the gods feared the chaos that could ensue without its protection. They worried that the giants would soon overpower them.


They turned to Loki for help. Loki borrowed the feathered coat of Freyja and soon winged his way to Jotunheim. Thrym sat on an earthen mound playing with his horses and he looked at Loki with a sly smile.


“What brings the Gods to visit us, lord of Mischief” he asked.


“Have you taken Thor’s hammer?” asked Loki.


“Yes and you will never find it.” Smiled the giant.


Loki, ever cunning knew this was not the time for war and began to negotiate with Thrym. The giant demanded Freyja, the goddess of love and beauty, as his bride in exchange for returning Mjolnir.


The gods were appalled at the idea. Thor blinded to everything by his loss demanded Freyja to wear her bridal dress and come with him and marry the giant so that he could get his hammer back. At this, Freyja flew into a temper and raged at Thor for his selfishness. Everything seemed lost but Loki came up with a plan.


Thor would have to disguise himself as Freyja and Loki would disguise himself as a handmaiden and they would go to the land of giants.


Thor was struck dumb, he, the god of the thunder, the greatest warrior to dress as a woman? But the gods were adamant and Loki rebuked him “Thor, do not be foolish. Without Mjolnir, you have no power and the giants will soon overrun us.”


A reluctant Thor was bedecked in the gowns and jewels of Freyja. His beard and mustache were removed, and his limbs and hair were anointed with perfumes. Loki taught him to walk like a woman and admonished him to remain silent. Loki would do all the talking.


Thus disguising Thor as Freyja, with Loki accompanying him as his maid, they journeyed to Thrym’s hall. Thrym was overjoyed at the sight of his supposed bride and eagerly prepared for the wedding feast.


“My mistress is under a vow of silence till the wedding is over my King.” Said Loki while Thor remained silent with his head down and covered by a veil.


During the feast, Thrym became suspicious when “Freyja” devoured an entire ox and drank three barrels of mead. Loki, quick-witted as always, explained that “Freyja” was so lovesick for Thrym that she hadn’t eaten in days.


The feasting went in and the drunk Thrym sneaked a peek inside the veil and recoiled back at the fierce red eyes of the bride. Loki laughed “Our lovesick bride has not slept for eight days thinking about her groom, that’s why her eyes are red.”


As the ceremony reached its peak, Loki demanded a dowry, a bride price. Thrym presented Mjolnir to “Freyja” as a symbol of their union and bride prize.


Seizing the opportunity, Thor revealed his true identity, grabbing Mjolnir and unleashing his wrath upon the giants. In the chaos that followed, Thor and Loki fought their way out of Thrym’s hall, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Maddened by his machismo at getting his hammer back Thor indiscriminately spread destruction till he was restrained by Loki.


“All these mighty men need their props to lean on and show their power,” remarked Loki, wryly watching Thor show off his hammer.


Namaste till the next time.


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