Dhambodhabhava The King with a thousand armour.


Our epics are itihasa, stories based on past events. Many a time the stories are linked together and cover different eras and periods. Each story is independent and yet dependent on earlier tales.


Maybe it is done to ride on the popularity of another tale or maybe a popularity multiplier. Who knows? But let’s look at one such tale from our mythology.


Today we look at the story of Dhambodhabhava.


Sugreeva, the Vanara king, was cursed to be born as an Asura, a demon, as he had caused his brother Vaali to be killed.


Sugreeva was thus born as Dhambodhabhava, the king of Asuras. Sugreeva was a devotee of the sun god Surya and so as an Asura also he was a devotee of the Sun god.


Now Dhambodhabhava was no ordinary king, he was a well educated pious person totally devoted to Surya. He left his kingdom to his minister and went to the Himalayas and meditated on Surya.


Years went by, and what is time for a storyteller, is just another facet ofham the story so suspend your logic and enjoy this tale.


Dhambodhabhava meditated and performed austerities, the years went by, and finally Surya appeared before him.


“I am pleased at your devotion and ask any boon, my child,” said Surya.  Dhambodhabhava asked that he may be able to see and worship Surya always and as long as Surya rose in the skies.


“What you are asking for is immortality and that is prohibited. Ask something possible for me to give and I shall bless you, my son.” Said Surya.


Dhambodhabhava had thought about this for a long time and he said ” lord of the skies grant me that only a mortal can defeat or kill me and grant me a thousand divine armors which can be destroyed only one at a time and also that whosoever destroys an armor falls dead and that the next armor can be destroyed only by the person who destroyed the previous one. But before that, he has to meditate for a thousand years. If any new person comes the destroyed Armor will grow back.” 


Surya smiled ” So be it, son, you have asked for a very complex boon but I will grant you the same.” 


So Dhambodhabhava got his thousand armors. He continued in the Himalayas praying to the Sun god as he was a good person at heart and a true devotee.


But the best of us are beset by doubts. Dhambodhabhava wondered whether the boon would work as promised. Finally, he decided to put it to the test.


He went back to his kingdom and took back the reigns of power. He started small by attacking the neighborhood kingdoms. He found the armors worked as promised. He conquered all the lands till he was overlord of the Earth. He grew in power and stature, Asuras and men flocked to his armies and he was undisputed lord on Earth.


Dhambodhabhava began to enjoy the battles, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Dhambodhabhava decided to test his strength against the Devas themselves. He led his army to Indralok and defeated the Gods themselves.


Now there was nothing left to conquer so he went back to his kingdom.


The Gods were aghast and devastated at their loss. They blamed Surya for granting such a boon but there was nothing they could do and they went to Brahma seeking his guidance. Brahma took them to Vaikunta and laid the problem before Vishnu.


Now Vishnu was in a quandary as the conditions for killing Dhambodhabhava were many, it looked impossible. So they all rushed to Kailas where Shiva was meditating on the foolishness of this world.


Shiva pondered over the issue and then he said Vishnu you need to be born as two people, two normal mortals. I will teach you the maha mrityunjay Mantra which is the secret to escape a mortal death. As for meditating for a thousand years before destroying the next armor, it is long known even before Surya gave the boon that one day’s meditation at Kedarnath is equal to meditating for a thousand years. Vishnu was happy to hear this and said ” I will be born as a mortal and Sesha who is also a part of me will be born along with me as my brother.


Shiva then caused a bubble to enclose him and Vishnu and imparted the secret of avoiding a mortal death. The other Gods were outside the bubble and could not hear the mantra.


In due course, two sons were born to Dharma and Murti. They were named Nar and Narayana. Nar is considered to be the Primeval man or the eternal spirit of the universe and Naryana is Vishnu in many schools of Hindu thought.


Nar and Narayana learnt the Vedas and meditated on Shiva and he blessed them and taught them the Mrityunjay Mantra.


Nar and Narayana settled down at Badrinath and continued to meditate. The years passed and the two became powerful sages who showed no interest in worldly life.


Meanwhile Dhambodhabhava continued to rule. He was a wise and good ruler and beloved of his people. But he was bored, he found nothing to challenge him. No one dared to fight him or his vast army. There were no more worlds to conquer.


It was at one such moment that Narada turned up at Dhambodhabhava’s court.


Narada, true to his mischief-making nature, spoke about the two rishis at Badrinath and how powerful they had become due to their Tapas. They could not be conquered by anyone and would be a challenge to even Dhambodhabhava. It would be better if they were stopped from getting more powerful as they could side with the Gods and create problems for Dhambodhabhava.


This struck home and soon the Asura Emperor was on the March to confront the two Rishis at Badrinath, Nar, and Narayana. He had a huge army with him and they camped within sight of the hermitage.


But the two Rishis took no notice of the Army and went on with their regular routines.


Dhambodhabhava went up to the Rishis and challenged them but the Rishis smiled and refused his challenge. They agreed he was the most powerful and had no interest in his empire. They refused to fight.


Dhambodhabhava was stumped. No one has ever treated him like this. The two rishis just smiled at all his rantings and treated him like a child. They offered him hospitality and never lost their tranquility.


As Dhambodhabhava sat wondering what to do his generals decided to act.


The huge army rushed towards the hermitage intent on destroying it and the rishis.


Rishi Nar sighed and plucked a few blades of grass and sent it toward the army and behold the army was destroyed.


Dhambodhabhava angrily rushed towards the rishis. Nar picked up his bow, Ajagava, and fought him. Nar destroyed the first armor of Dhambodhabhava and fell dead but was brought back to life by the power of the Mrityunjaya mantra and Nar then sat in meditation at Kedarnath. Remember that Surya had given a boon that one day’s meditation at Kedarnath was equal to a thousand years of meditation.


While Nar was meditating Narayana took up his bow, the Sharanga, and battled Dhambodhabhava. He destroyed the second armor and fell dead but was brought back to life by the Mrityunjaya mantra and began to meditate at Kedarnath.


When this happened Nar took up the fight and destroyed the third armor and so the battle continued with Nar and Narayana taking turns to fight and meditate till all the armors of Dhambodhabhava were destroyed.


The Asura stood before the two Rishis bereft of his weapons and his pride and ego. He bent his head in surrender awaiting his death.


But Nar and Narayana knew he was a valorous and good king who had been influenced by a false sense of pride. They blessed him and advised him to give up his pride and ego and rule wisely.


Dhambodhabhava reflected and acted on their advice and went back to his kingdom a wiser and better man.


It said that Dhambodhabhava was later born as the great warrior Karna, son of Surya the Sun god. Nar was born as Arjuna and Narayana as Krishna and they fought again in the Mahabharata war.


All life says the story is a cycle of birth and rebirth till you attain moksha.


Namaste until the next time.🙏




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