Lent, Good Friday, and Easter.


My friend, a hardcore nonvegetarian and casual Christian becomes a vegetarian for a short period during the year. I was always intrigued by this.


Lent, Good Friday, and Easter represent significant events in the Christian calendar, observed by millions of believers worldwide. Each occasion carries its unique traditions, customs, and celebrations, reflecting the diversity of cultures and religious practices across the globe.


Lent: A Season of Reflection and Preparation


Lent is a period of 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter Sunday, observed by many Christian denominations. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. Lent is a time of reflection, repentance, and spiritual preparation for the celebration of Easter, often marked by fasting, prayer, and acts of charity.


During Lent, many Christians choose to abstain from certain luxuries or indulgences as a form of penance, symbolizing Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. This may include fasting from food, such as meat, or giving up habits like smoking or social media. Additionally, some believers engage in special devotional practices, such as attending daily church services, reading spiritual literature, or participating in volunteer work.


The period of 40 days is intriguing. It is a recurrent number as far as fasting goes. Moses fasted for 40 days on Mount Sinai while getting the Ten Commandments.


We Hindus prepare for 41 days before going to Sabarimala. The preparations are similar to what Christians observe during Lent.


Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and confronted Satan and his temptations. It signified his spiritual struggle and preparation for his mission on Earth.


Lent thus is a remembrance of Jesus’s fast and also a way of spiritual preparation for our life on this earth.


It is a period when you are expected to reflect and look inward, a period to become spiritually prepared.


Good Friday: Commemorating the Crucifixion


Good Friday, observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is a solemn day of mourning and reflection for Christians around the world. Good Friday services often include readings from the Bible, hymns, prayers, and the veneration of the cross.


But why would a day of mourning be called good? In archaic terms, good means holy or sacred so Good Friday means holy or sacred Friday. Also, the sacrifice of Jesus was necessary for the salvation of mankind as per some Christian theologists. So the day marks the beginning of the salvation of mankind hence Good. Trust theologists to come up with a reason. 😀


In many countries, Good Friday is marked by processions and reenactments of Jesus’ passion, with participants carrying crosses or statues depicting scenes from the crucifixion. Some communities also engage in acts of charity and outreach to those in need, following Jesus’ example of self-sacrifice and compassion.


Easter: The Resurrection and Rejoicing


Easter Sunday is the day of rebirth, the culmination of the Lent season, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is a joyous day in the Christian calendar, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the triumph of life over death.


Easter Sunday services are typically filled with music, praise, and exuberant expressions of faith.


Easter traditions vary widely from country to country, with each culture adding its own unique customs and festivities to the celebration.


In many Western countries, Easter Sunday is associated with colorful eggs, chocolate treats, and the Easter bunny, symbolizing new life and fertility. Families gather for festive meals and egg hunts, while churches overflow with flowers and joyful music.


In Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions, Easter, also known as Pascha, is celebrated with elaborate liturgical services, processions, and feasts. The midnight Easter Vigil is a highlight of the Orthodox Easter observance, culminating in the proclamation of Christ’s resurrection and the sharing of the Paschal greeting, “Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!”


And yes the dates of Easter of the Catholic Church and Pascha can be different.


Global Celebrations and Traditions


Throughout the world, Christians observe Lent, Good Friday, and Easter with a rich tapestry of cultural traditions and rituals. In Spain, for example, Holy Week (Semana Santa) is marked by elaborate processions featuring ornate floats and religious icons, while in Greece, Easter is celebrated with midnight fireworks and the cracking of red-dyed eggs.


In the Philippines, Good Friday is commemorated with dramatic reenactments of the Passion of Christ, including crucifixions and flagellations, while in Ethiopia, the Easter holiday of Fasika is celebrated with traditional feasts and religious ceremonies.


From the solemnity of Good Friday to the jubilation of Easter Sunday, these observances unite Christians around the world in a shared journey of faith, remembrance, and celebration. Across cultures and continents, the story of Lent, Good Friday, and Easter continues to inspire believers to embrace the message of love, redemption, and eternal life embodied in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


In India, Easter is a somewhat subdued celebration as compared to Christmas. But that’s true around the world. Christmas is a commercial festival while Easter still retains its spiritual moorings.


Happy Easter to you.


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