Rishi Haha and Rishi Huhu.


Yes there are two Divine beings by this name in Indian Mythology.


There are numerous references to them in many of our epics and Puranas. Who were they?


They are two brothers, the sons of Rishi Kashyapa and his wife, Pradha. They are celebrated celestial musicians, Gandharvas. They sing in the courts of Indra and Brahma. They are also the brothers of the Apsaras and the Celestial singer Tumburu.


Why are they named Haha and Huhu? According to some stories they denote the aspects of two Swaras of music. the sixth swara Dhaivata and the seventh swara Nishada.


Dhaivata has both terrifying and tender aspects, whereas Nishada has a peaceful aspect.


There are stories of how Gunas of Shiva were shocked, angered, and saddened by the death of Devi Sati during the Daksha Prajapati’s yagna. The Gunas expressed their feelings through Hahakar, sounds of grief, wailing, and also denoting the uproar of Battle. Thus Haha which can be both terrifying and tender.


And Huhu which is peace and contentment. In life, we need to experience all the emotions and feelings to have a rich and good life.


The two brothers express this in their names and their music.


Namaste until the next time.🙏


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