Why do we have different seasons? A tale from Greek Mythologym


Mythology is the attempt by us humans to explain various phenomena, or ideas or teach a concept. It is easier to learn through stories so the ancients told us stories that teach. These stories linger within our memories and explain the unexplained. Mythology is also part of our collective memory and culture.


Thus every great civilization had its own stories and myths. Today let’s have one from Greek Mythology.


Like every good story let’s begin with Gods and Goddesses. 


Once upon a time, or a long long time ago, the world was new and there were no different seasons. It was always summer and spring.


There was a beautiful maiden named Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. Persephone was the apple of her mother’s eye.


Persephone was admired by many of the gods  and they all wanted to marry her.  Hades, dark lord and the god of the underworld was one of those who were smitten by Persephone.


Now Hades lived in the dark underground world beneath the earth. He was a feared God and no one went near him without cause.


As Hades watched the other Gods court Persephone while he was tied to his duty of ruling the underworld he felt despondent and angry.


In anger, people do silly and foolish things.


One day, while Persephone was picking flowers in a meadow, Hades emerged from the earth and abducted her, taking her to the underworld to be his wife.



Demeter, grief-stricken by her daughter’s disappearance, caused a great famine to fall upon the earth. The crops withered, and the land became barren as she searched tirelessly for Persephone. All prayers and pleadings by the Gods and humans fell on deaf ears. The Earth withered.


Finally, Zeus, the king of the gods, intervened and demanded that Hades release Persephone. Hades agreed reluctantly but put forward a condition that if Persephone had  eaten anything she would stay back.


Now everyone felt that Persephone would not have eaten anything as she mourned for her life on earth. And she would have been frightened of the dark lord Hades.


Persephone had been frightened by Hades but had soo found him to be gentle and caring of her. She remained without eating for a long time but finally, hunger got the better of her. She was tempted by the luscious pomegranate fruits kept near her and ate just six pomegranate seeds.


The Gods above earth and Demeter eagerly awaited Persephone.


However, because Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds while in the underworld, she was bound to spend six months of the year with Hades. Persephone also agreed to this as she found Hades to be a kind and good husband. She was happy to spend six months as the Queen of the underworld and come up and spend six months with her mother.


Thus, the myth explains the cycle of the seasons: when Persephone is with her mother, Demeter, the earth flourishes in spring and summer. But when she returns to the underworld with Hades, Demeter mourns, and the earth grows cold and barren during fall and winter.


That’s the story of the seasons.


Namaste until the next time. 🙏


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